Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Big Changes Ahead!

I'm so, so, excited!  Today is my last day of work in my office at my "real job".  Starting tomorrow I am joining the Work-from-Home force ahead of my family's big move to Tennessee at the end of the week!

Working from home is going to be a big change for me.  It's going to require a LOT of discipline and ORGANIZATION!  Luckily, I've found the Erin Condren Life Planner to help get me there.

Let me start by saying, I am a total organization junkie.  I am by no means organized.  I'm one of the most dis-organized people I know...by a long shot.  But I try.  I am obsessed with office supplies and organizational tools.  As a kid, one of my favorite Christmas gifts was an Office Max gift card in my stocking - screams of joy for that one.

One of my favorite things to buy/use is a paper planner.  I consider myself to be very tech-minded (I do work in IT after all...), and I use a lot of online organizational tools like Google Calendar, Google Drive, Google Keep (notice a trend?), and Dropbox.  But there is something about putting a pen to paper, making an actual physical list, then checking or crossing things off of that list, that gives me such a sense of accomplishment - one I've never been able to replicate on a screen.

My husband was making fun of me the other day because I was describing to him the never-ending supply of notepads and notebooks I have to pack up as I move from an actual office to my new home-office.  4 years worth of notes and lists...things that I look back on from time to time when I need to remember something (I was blessed with a terrible memory...I'm one of those people who would forget their head if it wasn't attached...and I mean that in the least cliche'd way possible).
give me ALL the notebooks!
I grew up using a Franklin Planner.  It was very grown up and sophisticated, but if I'm being honest, I hated it.  I never used it the same way I used the notebook style planners I could get at the office supply store/section.  One of my favorite planners ever was the one I got for free at my college orientation.  I was so mad when I didn't get another my sophomore year.  That thing was legit.  The spiral-bound notebook style planner is just my thing.  It gets me.

So cut to last night - my husband and I were packing and purging (something that is very difficult for me as well...I'm a bit of a hoarder) and I found my old Franklin Planner.  I decided to keep it out because it would be a great tool to keep me organized as I transitioned to working from home.  But then today, as I was looking through new refill packs and not finding anything nearly cute enough, I decided I didn't want my old Franklin Planner any more.  I needed to go back to the old school.  I remembered my direct sales friends all RAVING about Erin Condren planners for their businesses and decided to look them up.


Um...I am in LOVE.  This is exactly what my life has been missing.  This is everything I need in a perfect little spiral-bound package.  I can organize my "real" work, I can organize my Jam business, I can organize my mom-life, and my wife-life all in this brightly colored gift from god.

Get yours here!
The 2015 planner launches in 7 days and I am all over it.  Sign me up.  NOW (actually...go sign yourselves up and get $10 off with this link)!

I'll be sure to post a review of the actual planner once I get it.  I am counting down the days, hours, minutes, seconds....until I can customize my new friend.  We're going to be besties, Erin and me.

*this post is not sponsored or endorsed by ErinCondren.com (though if they wanted to send me a free planner to review, I certainly would not say no).  All opinions are my own.*